
The Mission2Thrive program was designed to help veterans dealing with mental health issues. Service to our country, although a great honor, comes with some long lasting struggles for many veterans. The goal of Mission2Thrive is to introduce veterans and first responders to activities that keep them active, social, and connected to resources that can help them in the future. By helping participants gain access to opportunities they may not have been able to do in the past, we hope to help get them started on a path which promotes positive mental health and wellness.

Mission2Thrive is made up of three paths. Participants choose the path that interests them. While involved in any of the three paths, veterans and first responders will be introduced to local resources that can help keep them moving down the path to a positive future. They will meet veteran advocates that can assist with State and Federal veterans benefits, counselors that specialize in trauma, and other resources to support them through their journey. Mission2Thrive is accepting applications from Veterans and First Responders for the upcoming season. Spots are limited so get your application in early!

Great Outdoors Path

Welcome to the great outdoors! This path will take participants on outdoor adventures in out of reach areas of Sheboygan County. Journey deep into the Sheboygan Marsh to enjoy the largest restored wetland in the Wisconsin watersheds of lakes Michigan and Superior.

The Great Outdoors path will include Sheboygan and Kiel Marsh tours, duck & goose hunting excursions throughout Sheboygan County, and other hunting and outdoor activities.

Golf Instruction Path

Your tee time is calling! The Golf Instruction Path will pair you with a PGA certified instructor to work on the fundamentals of your golf game. You will work on all aspects of the game and test your new skills at the end. Don’t have clubs? We have you covered! Try an activity that you can enjoy for a long time to come.

Warrior Workout Path

Time to get your blood pumping! Warrior Workout Path will include calisthenics, stretching, aerobic, and mindfulness workouts at area parks and other indoor locations throughout Sheboygan County. Workout side by side with active members of the US Armed Forces and other local veterans.

What you can expect from all three paths

Quality Time Outdoors

Meet other veterans

Learn about veteran benefits and resources

No charge to honorably discharged veterans and First Responders

Mission2Thrive Sponsors

Mission2Thrive would not be possible without our great sponsors and volunteers. Every one of them is helping to make this program successful. Here are some of the businesses that help make Mission2Thrive Possible.

Contact us today and find out how you can help!